Named after long-time participants and brothers Alan and Neil Shepherd as well as acknowledging the Shepherd Family for their lifelong commitment to Greenacres from the 1950s! The day centre operates from a fully refurbished community and function centre and features an open plan design that is fully accessible. The Sheps Place team is skilled at communicating with their participants who have high to very high physical support needs, and they are committed to providing both community access and in-centre activities that are stimulating, varied, and in line with the goals and interests of their participants. Sheps Place provides personal care, mealtime assistance, and wheelchair transportation.
Oak Street Centre
10 Oak Street, Albion Park Rail
Moderate to High Support
Age 17+
Anyone for a Party? With an average age over 30, participants at this day supports centre share a love of getting out into the community, trying new activities, giving back to their community, and most importantly, celebrating! The Oak Street team are experts when it comes to throwing a party, and they will not only celebrate every participant’s birthday but also events like Harmony Day, Christmas in July, and the Melbourne Cup. The participants at Oak Street range from moderate to high support needs, and when they are not having a party, they enjoy both community access and centre-based activities like cooking, life skills, and art.
Ord Place Centre
4 Ord Place, Albion Park
Moderate to High Support
Age 17+
With Zumba, boxing, bushwalking, bowling, and art classes just some of the activities that the Ord Place participants like to do, it is no surprise that at the end of the day, the outdoor hammock and the comfy lounges are the most popular places to be. The highly dedicated and experienced staff at Ord Place design each day’s program around the goals and choices of the participants who range in age and have moderate to high support needs. Because Ord Place feels just like home, the centre is often used on weekends and weeknights as a short stay accommodation overnight option for families and carers.
Esperance Drive Centre
19 Esperance Drive, Albion Park
High to Complex Support
Age 17+
It is the experienced and dedicated team at Esperance Drive that makes this centre a home away from home for the participants attending and gives peace of mind to families and carers. The team is skilled at communicating with their participants who have high to very high physical support needs, and they are committed to providing both community access and in-centre activities that are stimulating, varied, and in line with the goals and interests of their participants. The Esperance Drive centre provides personal care, mealtime assistance, and wheelchair transportation.
Preston Place
29 View Street, Lake Illawarra
Moderate to High Support
Age 17+
Named in honour of our beloved former Greenacres CEO, Neil Preston, Preston Place is a modern space designed for our mostly younger participants who have moderate to high support needs. With socialising in mind, this centre has been created with a theatre room which can also be a music and performance space, plenty of areas to hang out and chat with friends, an outdoor patio, and a landscaped garden for BBQs. Preston Place also has a dedicated sensory room for those participants who need to escape the activity and take some time to relax and recharge. While Preston Place is a great space to be, the participants also enjoy getting out in the community for a range of fun, fitness, and learning activities.
Harmony Centre
138 Kanahooka Road, Kanahooka
Moderate Support
Age 40+
Do you love to sing? Then the Greenacres’ Harmony Centre may be just right for you! The Day program in Kanahooka caters for those over 40s and while ageing may mean a dip in energy levels, mobility, and general health, at Greenacres, we don’t believe it should be a reason to stop doing the activities you love. The participants at Harmony keep doing the activities they enjoy, surrounded by the friends they have made, for as long as possible. This is an age-friendly centre, and support is individually tailored around declining health and age-related conditions like dementia.
Kemira Day
138 Kanahooka Road, Kanahooka
Low Support
Age 40+
Ask any retiree, and they will tell you that the secret to a happy retirement is keeping busy and regularly meeting up with friends. Kemira is a centre-based day supports program that follows this philosophy, allowing older participants (many of whom worked at Greenacres Industries) to make the transition from supported employment to retirement with ease. Just up the road from Harmony Centre, the Kemira Centre is situated in the peaceful surrounds of the IRT William Beach Gardens retirement community and has modern and relaxing communal spaces perfect for in-centre activities. The participants also have fun and keep active with a range of community activities, like Zumba, shopping, movies, ten-pin-bowling, woodwork, gardening, shows, art, restaurants, and more. With five spacious bedroom suites, the Kemira Centre is also used for short stay accommodation for overnights and on weekends.