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External regulatory or advocacy agencies.

Disability Supports.

We collaborate closely with outside review and regulatory agencies to examine, probe, and address concerns and grievances in a confidential and respectful manner. Here are the independent regulatory and advocacy organisations available to assist you.


Local Agencies

Illawarra Advocacy
Phone: 4229 4999
Website: www.illawarraadvocacy.org.au(link is external)

SAHSSI- Supported Accommodation

Phone: (02) 4229-8523

Website: SAHSSI | Home

Address: Level 4, 25 Atchison Street
Wollongong NSW 2500

Illawarra Women’s Health Centre

Phone: 02 4255 6800

Website : Illawarra Women’s Health Centre (womenshealthcentre.com.au)

Address: Unit 2 10 Belfast Avenue, Warilla NSW 2528


State Agencies


NSW Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 451 524
Website: www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/

Australian Human Rights Commission
Phone: 1300 369 711
Website: https://humanrights.gov.au/

Department of Social Services
Phone: 1300 653 227
Website: https://www.dss.gov.au/

Disability Royal Commission
Phone: 1800 517 199
Website: https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544
Website: https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/

Disability Advocacy NSW

Phone:1300 365 085
Website: www.da.org.au(link is external)

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of New South Wales

Phone: 1800 629 072
Website: www.mdaa.org.au


Domestic Violence Support

Phone: 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)

Website Home | 1800RESPECT

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


People with Disability Australia

Phone: 1800 422 015
Website: www.pwd.org.au


Family Advocacy

Phone: 1800 620 588
Website: www.family-advocacy.com

Disability Royal Commission Legal Advisory Service


Your Story Disability Legal Services

Phone: 1800 771 800
Website: www.yourstorydisabilitylegal.org.au

Disability Royal Commission

Today, Greenacres is one of the leading disability service providers in the region, providing services and programs from 20 different sites in Wollongong and the Shoalhaven. Every week we support over 600 people with disability to live a life of fulfilment and possibility.

Royal Commission video

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