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Greenacres Social Enterprises.

Our Social Enterprises employ just over 200 people with disability. We provide a range of supported employment services and are committed to driving positive change in response to the recent findings of the Disability Royal Commission. We are dedicated to offering an inclusive range of employment opportunities and in light of the Commission’s insights, we are actively working to enhance our operations and provide more mainstream employment settings. We provide an environment that empowers individuals with disabilities to thrive and succeed and will continue to advocate for their rights to meaningful and inclusive employment.

We invite businesses to partner with us in this important endeavour. By utilising our services, you not only contribute to your corporate social responsibility but also provide sustainable employment for people with disability and foster a more inclusive society for everyone. Partner with us to make a difference.

Services and Programs

Luxury hand-crafted products.
Employing people with disabilities.
Made in Australia.

Luxury hand-crafted products.
Employing people with disabilities.
Made in Australia.

Learn skills, make friends or have an adventure.

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